What is 44001?
The International Standard for Collaborative Working is ISO 44001:2017. ISO 44001 is a road map for building and managing collaborative connections between suppliers (upstream), customers (downstream), partners (horizontal), and inter-department or function (internal) to benefit all parties.
ISO 44001 (which replaces BS 11000) is more about influencing organisational mindset and culture toward collaboration than it is about satisfying contractual commitments.
ISO 44001 entails a system for building, delivering, and leaving relationships as well as an organised approach to exchanging resources, expertise, and talents. This standard certification proves that your company interactions are truly collaborative.

How does ISO 44001 operate?
ISO 44001 entails a system for building, delivering, and leaving relationships as well as an organised approach to exchanging resources, expertise, and talents. This standard is divided into the following components:
Evaluating your company – Understanding the cultural and structural readiness to run a collaborative partnership method. This is detailed and relationship-specific, taking into account the practical aspects that the company should resolve prior to entering into a relationship.
Connection assessment and selection – The process through which a corporation decides with whom it should have a relationship.
Relationship management – entails consistently monitoring and enhancing relationships with all stakeholders. Attained through the collaborative creation and application of approaches such as service level agreements (SLAs) and key performance indicators.
Existing partnerships – Having a clear plan about how to end the relationship. Assuring business continuity and planning to guarantee that communication and implementation of a relationship exit do not jeopardise critical objectives.
The relationship management plan incorporates these key features (RMP). This document serves as the focal point for delivery.
The ISO 44001 standard is divided into two parts. Part 1 discusses the collaborative working structure, while Part 2 provides a step-by-step implementation guide.
ISOmantra has been a pioneer in advocating for the adoption of collaborative working concepts and certification throughout its supply chain. The need for collaboration among key infrastructure supply chains is projected to grow.
Is ISO 44001 certification appropriate for my company?
Collaborative working delivers benefits to firms across many industries, particularly for complex interactions or supply chains with significant levels of risk and investment.
The ISO 44001 collaborative working standard is especially relevant for companies participating in the commissioning or delivery of large projects in industries such as rail, construction, defense, and utilities.
ISO 44001 certification should be sought in order to fulfill the following goals:
- Successfully complete tasks that require collaboration from multiple parties.
- Establishing long-term partnerships that foster the sharing of resources, skills, and competencies.
- Manage the hazards of going into relationships.
- Strengthen and show contract management and delivery. Access to new business potential through significant supplier chains.